Blwyddyn Un
Year One
Year 1 Staff
Mrs C Kelly
Dosbarth Rabbits
Mrs R Smith
Dosbarth Foxes
Mrs A Pole
Dosbarth Rabbits
Mrs J Thomas
Dosbarth Rabbits
Mrs K Jones
Dosbarth Foxes
Mrs H Wilkie
Dosbarth Rabbits
Our Learning Environments
Welcome to Year 1!
Croeso i'r Blwyddyn 1
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Thomas, Mrs Jones & Mrs Wilkie
PPA Teachers: Mrs Davies & Mrs Bowden
General Information
Forest School will take place on a Tuesday (Foxes) and Wednesday (Rabbits). Please provide your child with a pair of wellies and waterproofs to keep in school this year.
Our PE session is on a Tuesday (Foxes) and Thursday (Rabbits). Children to come to school dressed in PE Kit on thier day. Please ensure your child wear appropriate PE Kit and suitable footwear.
Every child needs to bring a healthy snack to school every day, clearly labelled with their name.
Home Learning
Home learning tasks will be given out on a Friday. This will consist of Read Write Inc sounds and red words, Reading Eggs and Maths Seeds.
Reading books will be sent home alongside home learning. Children will be allocated a new book on the return of the previous book. Please return books to school on a Friday. Please support and read with your child regularly.
Masgot Dosbarth
You class mascot will be sent home with a member of the class on a Friday. Please can you ensure that your child completes at least one page in the book being as creative as you wish and that it is returned to school by the following Wednesday so that another child can take it home